Pet Chaplain
Samson "The Wonder Kitty" 

Thomas.Age 19: A message from Sam's Mom:"Sam went to his heavenly home on Sunday, September 2, 2007.  He is anxiously waiting for his parents David and Linda Thomas.  Due to the complications of cancer and kidney failure, Sam departed this world to go to his heavenly home.  Sam was sent by God to accomplish His purpose and in so doing, he taught the Father's love, friendship, and patience.  His parents are at a great loss because of Sam's absence, and they look forward to the day when they will once again be reunited with Sam in eternity." 
TOSCA how I miss you! 1997-2006.  We will meet again!
I love you so much!
Velvet  1991-2006
Whitaker  1988-2003
My sweet friend Whit! I used to be his caretaker. We had so many good times together!  I miss him so much but know without a doubt we will meet again!  I love you so much, Whit!
Uncle Marcus!
Beloved Missy 
I miss you so much my darling.  I know, O' yes, I know we shall meet again!
Love, Uncle Marcus".
Sweet Solomon Gone too Soon  2005-2007
Uncle Marcus
misses you & loves you so much! I still hurt for you baby.
We will meet again!
My ministry is dedicated to sweet Missy who showed me the way.  Missy 1991-2006.  We will meet again!
Chaplain Marcus Allison
Residing in Guntersville.
Feel free to call or email your Chaplain.

I miss you Buster, my sweet friend!  We shall meet again
Princess 1995-2007"Princess your Daddy & Mommy miss you so much.  You enriched their lives more than words can express.  Princess they'll meet you on the rainbow bridge. You're free from pain now in the arm of Jesus'!
Stonewall went to heaven on 8/1/2007, Cancer had may have won the battle against his body but it could not take his soul. He was 11years and 6months old. This is a photo of Melanie and Stonewall during one of their special Christmas holidays! "Stonewall your Mommy misses you so bad.  Please watch over her and I know that you'll knock her down with kisses when she meets you again in heaven!"
May 1996 - August 13, 2007  Chelsea and Sophie. I am so sorry you had to leave for heaven in such a tragic way.  Your Mommy loves you so much and misses you in a way no one could ever understand.  I know you are safe with our Lord now.  I know you will watch over your Mommy until you meet again in heaven. 
Lucky, went to heaven  on August, 29th, 2007
Lucky, I am so sorry you had to suffer before your soul left your body to be with Jesus.  Your Mommy & Daddy miss you so much.  Please watch over them as I know you will.  And O' what a homecoming the three of you'll have one day when they cross that bridge where you'll be waiting.  God Speed, Lucky!
Remembering Mike
 It is not without a sense of loss that I must remember the passing of my dear friend Mike. I was Mike's pet sitter.  He was a survivor of Hurricane Katrina. He was greatly loved,especially by his human Mommy, Fran and he loved her so much, too!  You did not leave this world Mike without making your mark and we will miss you always. Until we meet again, Mike, we will meet again!Love Forever,
Uncle Marcus
A new angel entered Heaven's Gate just as we were closing out another year on earth.DominoIt was so hard for his Mommy to let him go he was just a baby not even two years old. But you know what, she didn't let Domino go not really, she only let his body go his soul death could not steal!!!Is it not symbolic that just as 2007 ended Domino was born anew in heaven? "Janeice don't worry you will see your baby again!!!I also look forward to the day I can hold him in my arms! God speed, Domino!!!!
Ticco and her Mommy
In the space of time 15 years can go much too quickly.  A life filled with such love how can sweet Ticco be separated from her companions'?
O' but the good new is to be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord!  And yes, that does included the animals no matter what we've been told!Ticco, I know you are now in heaven with The Lord Jesus and you have been made whole again, forever free from pain.  Your soul is still dancing with your Mommy and she shall meet you again!
Sweet Axl went to heaven suddenly last week ( week of Oct 18, 2010).  He is so missed by his Mommy and his feline sister, Ashley.  Heaven seems so far away but this sweet boy is never faraway from his family. You all shall meet again!
Pena'I cared for Pena' along with Missy whom I have dedicated my ministry for several months in 2005.A couple of months ago Pena' entered Heaven's gate where I know Missy was waiting for her. Pena's Daddy misses her so much but he will see his darling again!
Remembering my dear sweet friend Pooka. Who left for his final journey this morning a few minutes after 7:00 am 09/02/08. Pooka is survived by his mommy Tara and his sister Moonpie and many family members and friends who loved & love him so!  I cared for Pooka and Moonpie several Christmas Holidays as their pet sitter. I am glad Pooka has no more pain for he has made it across the rainbow where he will await our arrival when our time here is finished. Sweet, sweet boy we already miss you so.  Love,Uncle Marcus
Earth's loss is heaven's gain. Millie died in her Mommy's arms. Millie fought a hard fight against cancer but now she is in heaven with her Grandpa and of course, The Lord Jesus. Hope, you shall meet your precious Millie again.
Taylor was born 4-24-97 and passed away on 6-3-08 at the age of 11.  “Sweet angel.  Brave fight against cancer until your little body couldn't’t take it any more so you said it was time to go.  Your brother Buddy and I miss you forever here until we see you again.  Hope you and Pa are keeping each other company.  Love, Daddy”
Remembering Alicia1998-2011 It is with deep sadness that  I announce beloved Alicia left this earth in the wee small hours of Saturday morning April 16th, 2011. After so bravely fighting cancer she doesn't have to suffer anymore. Her Dad, that loved her so deeply in is deep mourning please brothers and sisters pray for him. God speed Alicia until we meet again, we shall meet again! 
Was a wonderful life-long companion for his Mommy and his mate "Porkchop".  Please let's pray for them both for they're in the mist of great grief.Jesus once said heaven and earth would pass away but his words wouldn't. Likewise disease and tragic events may claim the body of our loving animal companion's but it cannot steal their souls. You shall meet again!
Rocky is in heaven
On August 17, 2010 sweet Rocky left this earth for heaven. He fought so hard against the cancer but it was time for him to go. He is survived by his Mommy and Daddy and his canine sister Bonnie who love him dearly and even though they know they will see him again, they still miss him in a way so few can understand.  God Speed Rocky we shall meet again!
Precious "Holly"
Sometimes love is so special we can't imagine living one day on this planet without it. I think that's how Holly's companion feels right now. Please let's all pray for Holly's Mom for she is in such grief with Holly passing into heaven last Saturday, September, 19,2009. Holly fought so hard to stay alive, she was so brave and faced her illness like a true lady.Praise God for we know that this is not the end. Those that loved her shall meet  Holly again!
Tinky 1990-2010 
You were truly a gift to me from God and now you are a treasure in Heaven. I always told you were my best furry baby girl in the whole universe and how I loved you and how much God cares for all his creatures . You walked this road of life with me, went through deaths of my immediate family and close friends, trials, and all the Joyous times in my life. After being a mom yourself you got to be with me when I finally became a mom in 2008 by being blessed By God to adopt two precious gilrs from Vietnam. I am glad you got to know my little girls before you left. Now, I know you are resting and without pain, and with my family in Heaven. We will see each other again in God's eternal home. Written by Tinky's Mom. 
Glad to receive your sympathy card.  Houdini was born July 22, 1998, and died April 16, 2010.  Dini was loved very much by Charles and Marilyn Satterfield and others.  He was very special to everyone he met.  He was gentle and glad to meet strangers and family. He let us know what he wanted without saying a word.  He liked to ride in the car and look out the window.  He always got excited when we said, "Get the halter" because he knew he would be going somewhere.  He liked to ride in the golf cart and see the other animals.  We will miss him.  Thank you for your concern.

 Charles and Marilyn Satterfield
Sweet Little Angel Girl "Spooky"went to heaven yesterday, June 23, 2010.  Spooky graced her Mommy Jan's life for 17 years. Please let's all pray for Jan because she misses her Angel in a way that few can understand."Jan, you will see Spooky again in heaven"!

Remembering Spots

We are never ready to let go of our beloved loved ones animal or human, it's all the same.  Even though Spots lived a long life it still wasn't long enough.Yet, I am here to rely the message that  we shall meet Spots again. He is safe with Jesus in heaven.
I am so sorry "Clyde" that you had to leave for heaven.  Yet, I know in my heart you were so ready to go.  Your family gave you a remarkable loving life on this earth. In your 23 years O' how you savored life!  I know Mazik, Asher and Cricket will miss you so much and as will your good "human" boys Gabe, Rafael, and David.  God speed Clyde and thanks for the message you sent me.  Love Forever, Uncle Marcus

It is with deep sadness that we remember the passing of sweet "Bodhi" who left his family the week of October, 17th, 2011 and he left for heaven much too soon. Here are some words from his Dad, Lee."Bodhi was a tender heart and loyal soul.  I called him my "little one".   Bodhi may you receive all the love in heaven that you gave while you were with me on earth"
I was Muffin's pet sitter and the minute we met it  was love at first sight. Muffin had a great home but her previous home wasn't good she had been abused. I loved to care for her when her family was away. Sad to say Muffin lost her sight and she ate that tainted pet food from a few years ago and left us all way too soon."Muffin I miss you so much sweetie and I know you're in heaven now with Hillary. Wait for me on that Rainbow Bridge, darling. We will meet again".  Love, Uncle Marcus
Remembering sweet Asher who left us way to soon. I was Asher's pet sitter from the moment he was adopted from the Humane Society. He was such a sweet boy. His family misses him so much as I do. Our solace is that we know that we will meet again. God speed Asher we love you so!
We miss you "Angie".
The Lord Jesus called sweet little Angie home on May, 31st, 2012. She is survived by her feline adult son, Jackie Jr. & her human companion Gary.  She will be greatly missed but we know we will see her again.God Bless You, Angie.
Remembering sweet Noel.
It's so hard to let go of a dog that had as much life as Trixie. But thank The Lord Jesus we don't really let go, well not for good, because we know animals have souls and we will meet them again in the here after! I bet Trixie is shouting a big "Roll Tide" to her Dad a die hard Alabama Crimson Tide Fan! It doesn't matter who we shout for on or off the football field because we know we are all on God's Team!  Rest well, Trixie, until you and your Dad and canine sister meet again.
Salem Elizabeth
Honoring Salem Elizabeth:A life that is lived with love is always harder to let go of. This fine lady did indeed not only give but received the atonment of love. Salem, left for The Rainbow Bridge on Sunday February, 3rd, 2013. I ask for prayers for her Mommy and Daddy they miss their darling so much, but will see her again one day. God Bless.
Missing, "Aspen"
Precious Aspen Adams left for heaven's gate today, March 26th, 2013. Aspen was such a gentle soul never bothered anyone. I'm a little selfish, I'm afraid, I wish he was still here but I know he was ready to begin his new journey  from life's suffering. Please let us pray for his Dad my good friend Gary whom is filled with pain now. We will meet again Aspen!
Savannah Adams
Savannah Adams was my best pal, Gary's companion. Her passing was a shock. As she was cared for at Rivervew Animal Clinic she suffered Cardiac Arrest and quickly passed but too soon, O' Savannah we had to let you go to soon.  No matter how many times I write it or say it we know we will meet again. Savannah watch for us on that rainbow bridge. Until then be at peace Sweet princess...
Moonpie was a very special cat. She was loved by so many people too, thanks to her mommy who took exceptional care of her baby! Moonpie was preceded in passing by her special feline brother Pooka. Her Mommy Tara, says that she had "Pie" for 18 wonderful years and now she's with her brother in heaven again!  I was their pet sitter for many years. Just last Thanksgiving I took care of Moonpie.  Her earthly home may be quite now but if one listens there is still sounds of her sweetness that will linger always. Until we meet again...
Remembering Buster Meloon  1995-2011
Buster was a wonderful cat that was a 16 year companion to my dear friend Joan in South Carolina. Buster still lingers in his home, in fact, I saw his spirit during a recent visit. Joan, I know without a doubt you be with your baby in Paradise one day. Until, you meet again!
Remembering sweet Sammy "Sam Sam"
Jesus said that not even the birds fall away without him likewise beloved Sammy didn't perish but just changed form as he entered heaven's gate. God speed "Sam Sam" I know Glover & Tim will see you again right there on that rainbow bridge where you'll be waiting for them!
Mazik 1995-2014
I was Mazik's pet sitter for 14 years.  He only left us this past Thursday.  He was a very special boy!  Mazik was very loved by his family and especially his chief human companion. My prayers are for her for she misses him so.  Yet, this is not the end they shall meet again! Godspeed Mazik!
Jackie Jr. Adams 1996-2015
Jackie Jr. was one of the sweetest cats I've ever known.  Jackie was born in Selma, Al and spent his first years there. He only left us yesterday so the feeling is quite raw and unreal.  He was my best friend in the world Garys'boy. Please pray for him this is a very hard loss. We know Jackie is in heaven and we will see him again but it hurts like hell. Jackie was and is so special, a once in a million companion. We love you Jackie until we meet again and we will meet again!
Max Conner
Another one of God's Angels left his family last week. April, 10, 2015. Max was very special to his family so very much loved and protected. Because in his first home he had suffered abuse.  Yet when Miss Beverly rescued him from being put down all that changed.  The last years with The Conner's Max life was great!  He was able to leave this world for the next on a high note! 
Beverly told me that Max brought out the very best in her and I do believe Max would say the same about his Mommy. God Speed, Mr. Max.  I know you will all be reunited in heaven!
Rocky Conner
Bonnie Conner 
From Bonnie's Mommy:
My Sweet baby Bonnie. My little girl, my best girl pal,
my beautiful shadow. She followed me everywhere I went. 
Bonnie made my life so sweet. She gave me purpose.
She gave me the love I needed to get through each day. She
gave me a reason to face the day because I knew she would
be by my side. She was my riding partner. She loved to ride.
After our Max passed she went with me everywhere. She was the
SUNSHINE in my day. She was the STARS SHINING BRIGHT at
NIGHT. Bonnie was my WORLD. On September 18, 2015 my
light went out. The stars will never shine again. This world will never
 be the same without Bonnie. She made life so much better.
Remembering Sweet Little "Storm"
Little Storm was just getting started his mother had him and several siblings in Beverly's yard.  She had gotten his Mommy altered and was going to find him a forever home but sadly he was run over on 10/07/2015.  I know he's in heaven now Yet, I thought his short time here deserved to be remembered. God bless you sweet fellow. 
Remembering Blackie
1993 - Dec 26, 2015.
Please brothers and sisters' let us pause to reflect on "Blackie's" wonderful long life here with his human companion, Scott. Let us pray that Scott's sorrow shall turn to see the heavenly realm where "Blackie" has been reborn a mere day after we celebrated the birth of Christ.  Is it a coenciedence that the two dates are so tied?  I would submit of course it is no accident, merely a sign for Scott to know that the dates were chosen by the spirit to give assurance to him of "Blackie's" everlasting life, and to know they will indeed meet again! 
Happy brand new birthday "Blackie"! 
Katie Adams 2007-2016.
It is with a heavy heart that I announced that Katie passed away without warning on Thursday April 21, 2016. Her Human Companion, Gary found her when he came home from work, she was so healthy so this is a terrible shock.  Please pray for him my friends. This is a  photo of your Chaplain holding Katie shortly after she was adopted by Gary. "Katie I will miss you so bad sweetheart I love you so much. Gary you will see your sweet girl again! Godspeed Katie"! 
Amadeus Adams 
May, 2005 - May, 2016
Some loss and passings are harder than others. Sweet Amadeus passing is especially difficult. He was in the prime of life but the feline virus called FIP reared its ugly head and took this sweet boy so very fast. He was one of my precious Angelica's babies. I rescued them when they were only three days old. He was always an inside cat and only knew love. He is survived by his litter mate Ulysses and his wonderful Dad, Gary. I pray for Peace for Gary and Ulysses. "Amadeus I know we shall meet again and we can't wait to see you again. God Speed! We love you so much".
Serving Guntersville, Alabama
and Worldwide
Precious Henry Nelson
Sweet Henry was so special. He was a special friend of mine from Twitter! He has such a special family in NC. Even though I never met him face to face I felt I had known Henry always.  He had that terrible FIP Virus that Amadeus had. He lived two years longer than he was supposed to. Please send prayers to his family they are so sad. "I know Henry, we shall all meet again! Godspeed sweet friend of mine". 
Remembering my dear friend
 Shadow Ivker
On Christmas Day 2016, I learned Shadow whom I pet sat for several years had passed away to cancer. It was a shock. Shadow was a survivor of Hurricane Katrina. She lived on a roof stop with her brother Mike for two weeks without food. When she got to Birmingham later, she had adjustment issues, but then blossomed like a beautiful yellow rose. "Shadow, god speed on your new journey and please meet me on that rainbow bridge, I love you forever more, Marcus".
Snowcat Ivker 3/3/2003 - 3/19/2017
My sweet kitty cat friend Snowcat, passed away from complications of the cancer surgery he had 3 weeks ago on in the wee hours of Monday morning March, 21 2017. I was his pet sitter for several years.  Snow is survived by his brother (litter mate) Cloud Dancer and his loving human companion. I  am so deeply sorry for the family. I do believe we will meet SnowCat again. 
Remembering Precious "Jack"
Jack only left for heaven yesterday (May, 3rd, 2017).  His absence in this world has left a enormous void for his human companion, Kelley. 
Jack has a vast history; he belonged to soldier but after he was deployed his significant other put him away in a shelter. Yet, the good Lord had plans for Jack even as he was left in poor condition. Miss. Kelley and her sister rescued him and he blossomed. As his companion put it, "he was our road trip buddy." 
Our beloved pets are never here with us long enough. Yet, the wonderful news is Kelley will meet Jack again in heaven. Because we know all animals have souls. Godspeed, Jack!
A very special message from Minnie's Mom.

Minnie, who has been my best friend and shadow, died on May 11, 2017 with me holding her. It is with unbearable sadness that I am sharing this news, my heart is shattered.
Even though Minnie probably weighed only 4 pounds at her passing, I felt the grief of a hundred tons of spirit.
Minnie had cancer, and she had outlived when the vet thought she would die. But I wanted more time. I bargained for it. I prayed for just one more week, one more day.
I am so grateful I had Minnie in my life. But it didn’t make it easy to let go when the time came. I still held tight. I even made a few feeble, last minute bargaining attempts.
To me, it has been an honor to love Minnie, so much that my heart is broken. It’s an honor to be loved back, too, and I was really loved by Minnie.

Remembering precious 
Josephine Adams

Unexpected and sudden passing such as sweet Josephine's are devastating. She had been to the vet twice in the past week. She was not suppose to die. As her pet parent Gary, rushed her to the emergency animal hospital on Friday she climb into his lap and died. He is in enormous pain please my brothers and sisters please pray for him and the family. Gary's my best friend and Josephine was so precious to your Chaplain. "I will long for that reunion in heaven sweet darling. Until we all meet again. We will meet again! God Speed, Josey"! 
Shadow Ivker
Remembering Tom
2000-January, 2018
Tom, lived a good long life and was loved by so many.  He will be missed; but his humans' will meet Tom again.

Godspeed, Tom.
Ulysses Adams May, 2003- April, 28th, 2018
It is with such sorrow that I announce Ulysses passed away yesterday from Kidney Disease. He was so very special a sweet precious cat.  I rescued him, his Mother, and siblings when they were three days old. My friend, Gary, adopted Ulysses and his brother Amadeus.  We lost Amadeus two years ago,  Ulysses was so much like his mother, my Angelica who I adopted. Please friends pray for Gary he is in deep grief.  Yet, I know this sweet boy is now with his mom and brother. Ulysses we love you so much and I know we shall meet again!
"Kitty" left for heaven on 9/12/2018.
This was sent anonymously via text to my email. 
What I know is this beautiful cat named Kitty was a dear friend of the person that contacted me.  I would like to say to them I know you will meet your friend again one day. May The Lord truly bless you and Kitty for this special bond. 
Alpha July 1st 2004-November, 5th 2018
One of the hardest things is to let go of your loved one. Alpha, was such a sweet gentle soul that loved everyone.  He loved the touch of his companions' scratching his fur.  His family especially his human Mom and Dad, Gail and Parker gave him such love and always a great home. In his first couple of years I was his pet sitter and I always remember Alpha's quiet sweetness. I pray for his family now but the good new is his spirit is now with our Creator and we will all see him again! Godspeed sweet one we love you Alpha. 
Remembering precious little Declan
Remembering precious Declan Adams that vanished from his loving home in 2018. He so very much missed by his human one.  I know he is with our Lord and Savior and that he will be seen again on that bright sunny day on the rainbow bridge. 
My Precious baby girl, Janice Allison
It with a broken heart that I must announce that my Janice, the love of my life, my soul mate, passed away very suddenly on Monday April, 22nd. at around 5:00 pm central time. Now, the Chaplain is grieving with a heart that is broken in 2 pieces. Janice was very special I always felt so blessed to be in her company, and now it is all I can do to continue on.  Yet, I know we shall meet again one day in heaven. "Janice, Daddy and your sister and brothers miss you so bad". Godspeed my girl with eternal love, your Daddy. You were/are a true lady!
Remembering precious "Abby"
​Please join with me fellowship to send prayers to Abby's family during this heartbreaking time of loss and mourning,
Sweet Abby passed suddenly without warning. I wish i had the words to give comfort to her human companion.  I know without any reservation that you will meet your precious girl again in heaven.  My heart really mourns with you.  I am here for the family during this difficult time. Godspeed sweet "Abby".
BoBo passed away on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 after a 10 month battle with Feline Kidney Disease. He was a big softie who didn’t know his own strength. 
Remembering BoBo
BoBo and Abby were brother and sister and are now again together in heaven. 
Moses Allison-Adams
My precious Boy Wonder Moses left for heaven on Tuesday January, 14, 2020.  I recused him in December, 2006.
My former partner Gary and I shared him.  He lived with Gary and I visited as often as I could.  Gary, gave him a fantastic life.  He had his own suite with his own TV.  Moses's was so very special he lived with FIV virus longer than any others cats the vets had ever heard of.  When I rescued him he was positive but I saved him when a lady that found him was going to put him to death.  He had to live at the vets about a year until Gary let him live with him.  He loved Gary so much and got to come out of his room and play.  He wasn't sick all these years until December, 2019.  He was losing red blood cells we did all we could be he just couldn't get better.  Being with Moses felt so spiritual like such a gift from God.  I can't wait to get to heaven to see my Wonder Boy again. God speed Moses I love you so much. 
*special thanks to Riverview Animal Clinic in Birmingham and especially Dr. Atlas. 
Remembering my sweet little man
 "Jerry Christian Allison"
2008-February, 7th, 2020
It is with great sadness that I must announce my little man Jerry Christian left for heaven on Friday, February, 07th, 2020.  He was only 12.  Yet he had abdominal cancer and I had to let him go probably the hardest thing your Chaplain has ever done.  Yet, I know he is not in pain anymore and is with Janice whom he loved so much.  Thank God I know we will meet again.  I miss you so much little man so does your brothers Dylan Thomas, Jordan and your sister Anna.  Please be waiting on that bridge when I cross over.  With your daddy's deepest love.
Phone: 256-960-2859 
Remembering sweet Josh Gill
2004-2021.  Josh was 17.5 years old. 
Josh was a very special and very much a family dog.  Just look at the photo collage his human  companion did of his boy Josh and the little boy Michael who is all grown up now.  Josh was so loved had an exceptional home and so much love in his life.  I had the privilege several years ago to do some pet sitting with Josh and I just fell in love with him, too.  Thank you Gary, and Michael, for the great life you gave your precious boy. I know without any doubt Josh has crossed over to heaven and is on that rainbow bridge. Rest assured you will all meet again one day.  God speed, Josh, with great love.  
Life is uncertain for us all. We try our best and love our companions with all our heart, and yet, it is not always the quantity of time but that quality of love that touches us the most. Bubba was a neighbor of mine beloved cat.I know that will meet again. I too, will miss Bubba but I know he was greatly loved. I know he has been restored to that healthy young cat.  "Bubba will wait for his mommy, on that rainbow bridge".  Love never dies. 

January 1st, 2009- July 07, 2020
Remembering precious "Reddy".
Life is strange one never knows who will cross your path on a simple walk.  That's what happened when Larry met Reddy on a simple dog walk with another companion. She laid at his feet and they were family. She stole his heart and now she is dancing on the rainbow bridge until the day when they will be reunited. 
Remembering sweet "Charlie".
Larry would feed Charlie who was an outside cat so the dates of his birth and passing are not known. It is known that Charlie was very wise and oh so loving and loyal to Larry. One thing for sure and it is assume he has passed is that Charlie is up there on that rainbow bridge maybe even with Reddy waiting watching as the folks that cross over that way and looking forward to the day that Larry comes his way.  Godspeed, Charlie. 
 Dylan Thomas Allison
It is with great sorrow that I have to put my sweet boy on my website.  I tried to so hard to save my big fellow man. He had gum cancer,  I even took him to an oncologist in Tennessee but they couldn't save him.  I had to let Dylan Thomas go on to heaven it was so difficult. He still had so much life but the cancer was taking over my sweet boy's mouth.
Special thanks to Dr. Amy Tate of Birmingham Alabama's River Animal Clinic and to Gary Adams whom loved Dylan so much and cared for him and my other cats when I had Covid in July 2020 and was away from home for two months. 
Dylan Thomas was such a great companion never any trouble at all and get along so well with his brothers and sisters. Thank God I can look forward to that Rainbow Bridge and can be with my sweet boy again, fully healed.  "Daddy loves you so much, big fellow man, until we meet again."  God Speed. 
HomeAbout Chaplain MarcusGriefRainbow BridgeServicesThe Chaplain's Pets

Princess Wachovia the Budderball:
June 5th, 2004- February 6, 2023
Fly away beautiful angel to The Rainbow Bridge. Your pain is gone forever now. Princess your body is renewed where there is no more cares except to join your siblings and one day your mom will cross to where you are and there will be no more goodbyes. God bless you for the great life you had on earth and now the life everlasting has started. God speed sweet, angel.
Miranda Adams.
Birth unknown -- Departed March, 2023
Heaven's Treasure 
Miranda, was such an angel. She  would put her paws around one's neck  and hug them. This sweet girl showed up at her Dad's house about 14 years ago.  She was tiny but was very strong.  Kidney disease came on very suddenly and she left for heaven.  There's no doubt her Dad and her Uncle will meet her again.  Miss you so very much sweet angel.  We know heaven haas a new treasure save us a place. We love you everyday and forever.  
My beloved Anna Allison
August 2009-May-2023
It's difficult for me to put my own companions' on here.  On Sunday May, 07th 2023 my sweet Anna passed away in my arms.  The cancer had reacuured I tried so hard to make my sweet heart well again but we just couldn't make it happened. Anna was so smart so loving and so protective of me.  She loved good humans too.  I miss you so much Anna but I know we will meet again. I love you always until then. 
Remembering Lester and Cooper until their human companion Larry meets again. 
Buddy lived to be 22 years old. As you can read below Him and Taylor truly loved each other and now they are together never to part again.
I believe it was January 2023 that he departed for that heavenly rainbow bridge. 
His Dad misses him so but one day they shall meet again!
Remembering Precious "Gracie"
July 4th 2007- May 13th 2024
Gracie loved the sun. She spent many days when the Minn weather would cooperate on her huge piece of property.   She loved her Dad Scott so deeply and never left his side. "Scott, I know you will meet again!"  God Speed, sweet Gracie 

Remembering a sweet guy named "Bandit".  He lived a great life with his human companions.  He survived a lot but now we know he is on that rainbow bridge with all his beloved animal friends.  He will be waiting for "Gail" when you cross that way. Until you meet again!